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  • At school:

    • Maintain an 'inclusive' curriculum which is respectful of differences among students.

    • Observe national holidays of various countries.

    • Display a world map in the classroom.


  • At work:

    • Ask co-workers about their ethnic backgrounds.

    • Have an International Food Day.

 "As described by author Mark Kurlansky in Choice Cuts 'Food is a central activity of mankind and one of the single most significant trademarks of a culture.'"

"5 Simply Ways You Can Promote Cultural Awareness at Work Today"

The Need for Cultural Acceptance

Cultural acceptance is crucial since cultural diversity encompasses all of human experience. Acceptance allows us to gain knowledge of the world around us, as well as the perspectives of those of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

"As human beings, we are revealed and make ourselves known to one another by infinite varieties of intelligence, language, race, values, politics, religion, national service, gender presentation, philosophy and a host of other elements common to humankind. The recognition of a common humanity is the first step in the celebration of our differences - differences that inform our cultures, our values, our minds, and all our ways of being in the world. Diversity is the chief informant of the creative life force and the central reality in our understanding and stewardship of it."

"Why celebrate diversity?"

"Cultural awareness gives each of us the grace and the good manners to indicate, “I see you. I honor you. I celebrate what makes you unique.” Especially when we are interacting with people who seem different than we are culturally, being able to remember the answer to, “Why is cultural diversity important?” gives us all the insights we’ll ever need to honor those differences and interact in ways that facilitate understanding and cooperation."

"Why is cultural diversity important?"

The Effects of Discrimination on Society

Cultural discrimination can easily spread various means of cultural misinterpretation to communities, and can even be responsible for tragic events. For example, discrimination against Jews during the Holocaust caused several non-Jews to misinterpret their culture, eventually worsening things. Contrastingly, cultural discrimination can eventually bring awareness to society, allowing authoritative figures to take action against the discrimination. For example, the Civil Rights Act was made in order to protect people from all means of discrimination, thus making cultural discrimination illegal in America.

"The Civil Rights Act was designed to protect people from all forms of discrimination. Cultural discrimination can also occur in politics, such as when the ethnic majority of a nation rules for a long time, according to Wikipedia."

"What is culutral discrimination?"

Culture is a 'way of life' for different populations, consisting of specific values, ethics, and languages pertaining/familiar to each populatation. Each and every individual, however, is not limited to one culture alone.

 the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

Physical Characteristics

Gaming Platform or Console
Controller / Mouse
Console Gaming Shelf
  • Pulling all-nighters as often as possible.

  • Drinking  caffeinated drinks prior to staying up late playing video games. (i.e Red Bull, Mountain Dew, etc.)

  • Prioritizing time playing video games over physical activities, such as excercising or playing sports.

  • Collecting mass amounts of collectibles and action figures of different video game characters.

  • Playing with friends via game servers.

Cultural Customs

"The Xbox Gamepad for Windows isn’t the only game(pad) in town, but it might as well be. It’s the de facto standard for just about every PC game, especially indies, and for good reason: It feels comfortable, works reliably, and packs vibration motors for some sweet force feedback."

Nate Ralph, "The best gear for gamers: Buy this and frag happy" 

In fact, two-thirds of the surveyed gaming population believed that gaming helped them to spend time with friends who were not physically available at the time, due to the fact they may be in different geographical locations (such as friends from home).

Marisa Hivner, "Video game culture: College students’ obsession with gaming"

"Children who play more violent video games are more likely to have increased aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and decreased prosocial helping, according to a scientific study (Anderson & Bushman, 2001)."

"The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games"

Challenges Faced

Video game culture is, in several ways, beneficial. For example, it helps with communication and leadership skills, problem solving and logic, and hand-eye coordination. However, in today's society, it is seen by many as a source of violence and a 'time-waster,' causing students to procrastinate or spend less effort in school.

Video Game Culture Research
What do cultures consist of?
Cultural questions and conflicts.
Cultural Research
Cultural Acceptance

Reoccuring Questions and Conflicts

Because different cultures have different traditions and values, questions often arise regarding why those of some cultures might practice things differently, or why they have certain beliefs. Questioning cultural beliefs and values often roots from curiousity, but at times, misinterpretation.

For example:

  • Why are you required to go to church on Sundays?

  • Why isn't divorce allowed in your religion?

  • Why do you think birth control / abortion is unethical?


Such questions have been prevalent in the past as well as today.


Over time, cultures have struggled with conflicts, which, in many cases, has been caused by misinterpretation among large populations. For example, because terrorist groups such as ISIS have been targetting those of other religions, Islam is often misinterpreted by non-Muslims. 


Moreover, the basis for several relgions is 'love.' Yet wars have waged among different religions over the past centuries due to vast differences in beliefs, traditions, and values. This is still a problem today (although it isn't as major) in that many argue over which religion is 'correct' or should be followed by all.


"Cultural conflicts arise because of the differences in values and norms of behavior of people from different cultures."

Andrea Williams,"Resolving Conflict in a Multicultural Environment"

Gaming Culture

Christina Abraham
Cultural Acceptance

Methods for Promoting Cultural Awareness

Pop Culture


(Assassin's Creed)
  • In-game music (soundtracks)

    • Music of League (by League of Legends)

    • Minecraft in-game tracks (by C418)

  • Electronic music & dubstep are commonly listened to while gaming.

    • Monstercat 

Pop Music

Popular Movies

  • Existing:

    • Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

  • Upcoming:

    • The Angry Birds Movie (2016)

    • Assassin's Creed (2016)

Pop Culture
  • Junk food:

    • Chips

    • Pizza

    • French fries


  • Caffeinated drinks:

    • Mountain Dew

    • Red Bull

Common Foodtypes / Foods:

Sources Cited
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